NOM-044 is an official Mexican standard related to atmospheric pollution produced by land vehicles. Without a doubt, this rule has brought great changes in areas of Mexico, and will bring more.
These changes mainly affect the logistics of companies that use heavy land vehicles. So, the distribution and delivery of large loads and packages will also be affected by this rule.
NOM-044 is aimed at reducing the pollution produced by cars and trucks during their use. Nevertheless, it only affects heavier vehicles such as trucks and other cargo land vehicles. The also called NOM-044-Semarnat-2017 thus manages to limit the polluting gases that they can expel.
Precisely, it seeks to reduce CO2 gases from hydrocarbons other than methane . Large vehicles that exceed the pollution limits will be penalized.
This law was influenced by others already present in the United States and Europe. The official norm of Mexico takes by reference these others to elaborate its own anti-pollution norm. This is how you promote green logistics.
Similarly, the purpose of reducing environmental pollution through heavy means of transport is very intelligent. Heavy cars pollute the environment a lot by their toxic gases emitted by exhaust pipes. Some organizations like Looper already comply with NOM-044 .
Many companies and logistics organizations own old combustion heavy transport vehicles. Due to the implementation of this standard in Mexico, many of these organizations have had to change their vehicles.
These sudden changes have caused problems in many logistics companies and organizations . Some of these problems are:
NOM-044 has not only negatively affected logistics companies and their functions. This also affected the import and production industries of heavy cars in Mexico.
Businesses and organizations that produce large heavy-duty vehicles were also affected by this standard. This is due to the demand for greener cars with more efficient engines. The expenses involved in changing the functionality of an engine are great.
These changes lead to a higher price for the sale (up to 20% more). But it is also an expense for the company. They found it necessary to restructure their existing engines to make them more environmentally friendly.
Moreover, higher car sales prices mean fewer buyers. This adds to the expense of remodeling the engines and results in a major loss or shock to recover from.
Some studies have revealed the importance of reducing the environmental pollution present throughout the world. This contamination even increases the lethality of COVID-19 due to the damage it causes to respiration.
NOM-044 has been given a lot of importance in Mexico because environmental and human health are also important. Some companies, including Looper, are highly eco-conscious and already fully compliant with this standard. Let’s look at some of these benefits.
NOM-044 is very important for its contributions to the environment through the reduction of toxic gases. This also has a significant impact on logistics companies that did not practice green transport previously.
The changes produced by this rule may be sudden, but they are necessary. The best decision that can be made in the face of this is to adapt with the means available.
Companies like Looper take ecology into account without losing sight of efficiency, reliability and speed of service.
The post What is NOM-044 and what does it consist of? first appeared on LOOPER.
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